Deb Hickmon

Deb Hickmon

Deb Hickmon has been a consumer board member at Crescent Community Health Center (Crescent) for three years. She is a retired drug abuse counselor and joined the Crescent board as a way to stay busy, continue working with people and giving back to the community. 

Born and raised in Dubuque, Deb has a large and loving family including a husband, bulldog, adult son and granddaughter. Family is the most important thing in her life. In her spare time Deb enjoys working puzzles, playing with her dog and cooking. 

Deb's favorite thing about Crescent is the respect she gets and seeing the respect for the patients. Crescent is very transparent with the board, staff and patients. The board works really well together and keeps Crescent responsible. 

"Crescent helps patients stay as health as possible and they keep their confidentiality a priority," said Deb. "We have a caring staff and they get patients in to see their providers as soon as possible. The staff does a great job listening to patients, really listening."