As a valued patient of Crescent Community Health Center, you have FREE access to our state-of-the-art wellness center! Our goal is to support your journey to better health and well-being through a variety of resources and personalized care. Our Wellness Center facility, located right behind the Crescent main building at 1620 Elm Street.
Fully-Equipped Gym
Our wellness center features a spacious gym equipped with everything you need to stay healthy:
- Treadmills
- Recumbent Bikes
- Ellipticals
- Weight Equipment
- Dumbbells
- and More
Whether you prefer structured fitness classes or enjoy the flexibility of an open gym, our wellness center has you covered.
Strength & Stretch Classes
A 30-minute class for all fitness levels. Start the class off with a stretching session with modifications provided to warm up those muscles and joints. The stretch is following by basic strength training movements using dumbbells, body weight, and resistance bands. Modifications provided for those with injuries and different ability levels. Class is closed out with another stretching session to cool down. No sign up needed, just show up a few minutes before class starts! Click the orange button below to view current class schedules.
Personalized Fitness and Nutrition Plans
After receiving clearance from your primary care physician (PCP), you’ll have an initial appointment at our wellness center. During this session, you will:
- Walk through the gym Learn how to use each piece of equipment.
- Have the opportunity to ask any questions.
- Our dedicated health and wellness coordinators will meet with you one-on-one to set attainable goals and establish a customized nutrition and fitness plan tailored to help you achieve them.
Nicotine Cessation Counseling
People who stop smoking greatly reduce their risk for disease and early death. Our wellness coordinator is here to assist you with nicotine cessation counseling, helping you quit smoking and improve your overall health.
We are thrilled to announce several new updates to better serve you:
- Expanded Gym Hours: The gym is now open from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. from Monday to Thursday.
- Friday Hours: We have also expanded our gym hours to 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Fridays.
- New Class Times: We are introducing Strength & Stretch classes each Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 AM and Wednesday 2:30 PM.
Note: We are not yet open to the public, but this is in the works. For now, this facility is strictly for patients only.
Don’t let this free resource go to waste! Contact Cassie at 563-690-2883 or by email to get started. Designated Wellness Center parking is available on the train track side of the building.
We look forward to seeing you at the Wellness Center
Take a tour of our Wellness Center below! Use the arrows to navigate your way through the clinic.