Bridging the Gap: Accessing COVID-19 Vaccines with the CDC's Bridge Access Program
In the ongoing effort to make COVID-19 vaccines accessible to all, Crescent Community Health Center is proud to participate in the CDC's Bridge Access Program. This initiative aims to provide cost-free access to COVID-19 vaccines for eligible adults residing in the U.S.
Program Eligibility: Any adult living in the U.S. without health insurance or with insurance that does not cover COVID-19 vaccines can benefit from the Bridge Access Program. This includes two key categories:
- Uninsured: Individuals who do not have health insurance.
- Underinsured: Individuals with health insurance that does not cover COVID-19 vaccines or lacks copay-free coverage for vaccinations.
Please note that adults with insurance, including private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare, are not eligible for this program.
By participating in the Bridge Access Program, Crescent is dedicated to ensuring that everyone, regardless of insurance status, has the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost.
Visit our health center or call us at 563.690.2863 to take advantage of this program and prioritize your health and the well-being of our community. Together, let's bridge the gap and build a healthier future.