Crescent Community Health Center has Moved to Better Serve You! 

We are extremely excited for this move and the opportunities our new location will bring to our dedicated team and patients! Our space has nearly doubled allowing for Crescent to grow with our patient community.

Expanding our space means we will be advancing our services, and adding more providers and staff to make your health center visit an even better experience!

Features of the new building include:

  • Brand new medical and dental clinics.
  • Double the space!
  • On-site wellness center and cooking class kitchen!
  • Employee training center.
  • Patient portal stations.
  • And more!

When: Our new location opened on November 25, 2019.
Where: 1690 Elm Street, directly across from our old location. Crescent occupies the third and fourth floors, with elevator service to each floor. 
Why: Crescent moved to better serve our valued patients. With this move we will be expanding our space and services, while staying true to our neighborhood.

Click HERE to take virtual tours of our new facility!

To view KCRG's media coverage of our move, click HERE.

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about the new clinic, but please feel free to reach out with any additional questions by contacting Angela Petsche at 563-690-2884 or by email.

  • Will the phone number or extensions change?
    • No, phone numbers and extensions will remain the same.
  • I am currently a medical patient at Crescent, what floor will I go to in the new building?
    • Crescent's medical clinic will be on the third floor.
  • I am currently a dental patient at Crescent, what floor will I go to in the new building?
    • Crescent's dental clinic will be on the fourth floor.
  • I am currently being seen by a behavioral health provider at Crescent, what floor will I go to in the new building?
    • Crescent's behavioral health department will be on third floor.
  • Is there a directory of Crescent in the new building (Outreach, Dubuque Pacific Islander Health Project, Financial Counselor, etc.)?
    • Yes, there will be a directory near the first floor elevator.
  • Where should patients park?
    • Patient parking is the lot on the north end of the building (between the new clinic and Eagle's).
  • Will my existing appointments remain the same?
    • Yes, all of your existing appointments will transfer over.
  • Will any part of Crescent remain in the old building?
    • No, Crescent will be completely moved over to 1690 Elm Street.
  • Will the wellness center move to the new building? 
    • Yes, we are happy to announce the wellness center and health center will be under the same roof! Our new wellness center and training kitchen are located on the third floor.
  • Will anything change with my pharmacy when you move?
    • Nothing will change with our pharmacy services at this time. 
  • What if I need an urgent appointment between November 20- 22? 
    • Please use our after hours triage line by calling 563.690.2850.